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Overview Lectures

The overview lectures represent the vision and the core of damage controlled forming. These lectures have a length of 15 and 90 min and fit well as a new point in existing lectures. For a more detailed elaboration of the topic of damage, there is now also content for a complete lecture series, which can be found below.

Powerpoint slides:

Short Version (15 min):     >DOWNLOAD<

Long Version (90 min):     >DOWNLOAD<


Complete Lecture Series

This lecture series is the outcome of several years of extensive research and teaching of the Collaborative Research Center (TRR/CRC)188 Damage-Controlled Forming Technology.

It contains

  • 5 chapters on the role of damage (introduction, mechanisms, characterization, modeling and forming processes)
  • on almost 200 slides with several illustrations and pictures
  • a connection between theory, experiments and simulations
  • fundamental damage concepts as well as latest research developments

Powerpoint and PDF slides:     >DOWNLOAD<

WGTeaching TRR188 preview0 WGTeaching TRR188 preview1  
 WGTeaching TRR188 preview2  WGTeaching TRR188 preview3  WGTeaching TRR188 preview4






We hope that it supports you in teaching and learning, especially when considering the role of damage in your lectures. You can use this lecture series as a whole or in parts. The slides and videos are intended to complement the existing teaching content and to provide a first guidance, which can be implemented into your own teaching concepts and didactic methods on advanced Bachelor/Master/PhD levels. They will also be updated continuously.
Moreover, it is licensed under CC BY 4.0 ( This open approach does not only include sharing but also remixing, transforming and building upon it.
Note, however, that logos, trademarks, brand names as well as some content explicitly marked as external sources (e.g., by reference marks) are excluded from this license. They were added in this version for the sake of completeness and appreciation. We hope you find these resources useful and recommend the following style of referencing: Damage in Metal Forming, TRR188, CC BY 4.0